Friday, April 18, 2014

Hillary’s Poll Numbers Sinking Faster Than Ted Kennedy’s Oldsmobile

A new Fox News poll based on interviews of 1,012 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide between April 13-15 shows former Secretary of State Shillary Clinton's numbers hitting their lowest point in six years.  Six years!

“The Fox News poll, from Democratic pollster Anderson Robbins Research and GOP pollster Shaw & Company, shows Clinton's favorable rating dropping to 49 percent, compared to 45 percent unfavorable.”
“The last time her numbers were in that ballpark was during the 2008 Democratic presidential primary race. After she ended her campaign, her favorable/unfavorable split was 47/46.”
“Other polls have shown Clinton's numbers—which were stellar during her time as secretary of state—steadily dropping since she left her post last year.”
Americans remember with disdain how she and Bubba sold nights in the White House Lincoln Bedroom and her State Department’s favoritism towards Boeing which has, for years, invested its resources in causes beneficial to Clinton’s public and political image.

But the Clinton worshippers, who choose to have selective memories, are drooling over a possible run in 2016.  Why?  They consist of filthy rich donors to the DCCC and its myriad pet causes, power players and corrupt lobbyists, CEOs, film execs, shady trial lawyers, plutocratic bankers and radical tree huggers all of whom would have unfettered access to the Oval Office to maintain their cronyism and despicable divvying up of political plunder.

Clinton insiders admit that nothing [emphasis mine] about Hillary Clinton’s record as Secretary of State “shines that brightly” and ponders whether that will hurt her if she runs for office.

Oh, I think a little thing like lying right to the faces of the parents of Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods who were abandoned by their government to be murdered by savages might have a little something to do with hurting her chances.  Ambassador Christopher Stevens could not be reached for comment, but what difference, at this point, does it make?

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