Thursday, April 26, 2012

Boehner’s Savvy: Obama Inventing A Fight Where There Isn’t One

Speaker Boehner announced that the House will vote on a $5.9 billion bill Friday, April 27th to extend the current interest rates on federal student loans.  
The GOP will offset its cost with money from what they dub a “slush fund” in the Democrats’ 2010 health care law
In a hastily called press conference Boehner said, “Today I’m pleased to announce that on Friday the House will vote on a bill to extend the current interest rate on federal student loans for one year. We will pay for this by taking money from one of the slush funds in the president’s health care law.”
“You know, this week the president’s traveling the country on the taxpayers’ dime, campaigning and trying to invent a fight where there isn’t one, and never has been one on this issue of student loans. We can and will fix the problem without a bunch of campaign-style theatrics,” said Boehner.