Saturday, May 30, 2020

Seems Like Today Is Not Suited For Satire

Saturdays are usually reserved for satire here on this lowly little blog. I’ve been up during the wee hours of the morning watching what can only be deigned insanity.

Throughout our nation, in cities large and small, the aggrieved have been spurred on by lawless Antifa thugs to riot and vandalize our communities and threaten the safety and security of its citizens because of a cop gone bad in Minneapolis.

Around midnight the Secret Service had to put the White House in lockdown and don riot gear to deal with the protesters who had converged at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The manner in which the Secret Service dispersed the protesters can only be described as righteous and swift.  A stark contrast to the way the incompetent leaders of Minneapolis and Atlanta approached the rioters.

Vandals outside of the Atlanta headquarters of CNN spray painted graffiti on the networks' logo and broke lobby windows. Others outside lobbed water bottles, rocks and flash bangs according some sources while CNN employees watched in fear from inside the building. Several police cars had windows broken and a few were set on fire.

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