Tuesday, March 3, 2020

El Bloombito Es Un Supremo Bastardo

When snooty little Mike Bloomberg became mayor of New York he studied Spanish with a private instructor. He became known for summarizing his remarks at his news conferences in Spanish.

When the tiny tyrant speaks the language, it sounds like his tongue gets tangled on his eye tooth so he can’t see what he’s saying.  He constantly accents the wrong syllable.

His tin-eared, flat-toned delivery and mispronunciations at news conferences leading up to Tropical Storm Irene’s strike in 2011 inspired a young writer, Rachel Figueroa-Levin, to create the @ElBloombito Twitter account, which warned New Yorkers to prepare for “el stormo grande.”

“Hola Newo Yorko! El stormo grande is mucho dangeroso!” she tweeted.

“Fill los bathtub con agua por preparando el no agua. Los floodwaters!”

“Remain in la casa para much rain y lightningo y thundera! El Bang Bang!”

So, Bloombito was spending time in Texas for the Super Tuesday primary when he corrected a reporter’s pronunciation of the word “Texas” as she asked, “You’ve spent a lot of time in Texas?”

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