Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Game of Thrones, 2020 Democrat Primary Edition Part III

Final casting for Game of Thrones, the 2020 Democrat Primary Edition. If your favorite candidate was not cast, they'll be a pity party at either Alyssa Milano's or Bette Midler's house. Location & time TBD.

Cory Booker as Grey Worm


Pete Buttigieg as Little Finger, because, honestly, would you trust that guy?


Reluctant candidate Hillary Clinton, as the Mad Queen Daenarys, because... that ain't hot sauce!

Maxine Waters as the Crazy Moon Door Lady Pretty self explanatory!


And last, but not least Rashida Tlaib as the Wicked Witch of the Dothraki

Despite a supporting cast of thousands (of your tax dollars),expect a second season of the red hot show, Trumpapalooza, still selling out stadiums with SRO.