Friday, June 14, 2019

Will He Go Full Frontal?

South Bend Mayor “Alfred E. Newman” will be featured in the next issue of Playboy magazine focusing on LGBTQ rights.

Speaking during an MSNBC town hall hosted by Chris Matthews in Fresno, CA earlier this month, he was asked how he would have acted had he been in the Senate as sexual misconduct allegations swirled around Minnesota’s Hall of Fame moron Al Franken.

Franken, you’ll remember, was called on to resign after multiple women accused him of engaging in sexual misconduct.  Every Democrat senator demanded his resignation.

Buttigieg said he wouldn’t have joined his Democrat colleagues saying, “I would not have applied that pressure at that time.”

Buttigieg has tapped into a powerful network of LGBTQ donors, a wealthy, engaged, and motivated group that has for years been a driving force behind Democrat presidential candidates but that has never had a gay major-party candidate to rally behind in a presidential election.

We learned just the other day that a political organization backing LGBTQ candidates for office, Victory Fund, is planning to endorse the first gay candidate for president.  Mayor Pete will formally receive the group’s backing on June 20th in Boston.

I need someone to explain to me why a magazine, once considered the vanguard of the sexual revolution, whose sole purpose for decades was to objectify women is pushing the candidacy of a gay man who wouldn’t touch a woman with a 10-foot pole.

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