Friday, May 24, 2019

Jerry Nadler’s Zipper Fainted

During a press conference about speed enforcement cameras in school zones at Manhattan’s PS 199, House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler nearly fainted.  

Nadler who was seated beside groundhog murderer Mayor de Blasio began to “look pale and his head dropped into his hands,” according to The Daily News.

“De Blasio reached over to comfort Nadler and white-coated doctors rushed onto the dais behind a sign reading Speed Cameras Save Lives.”

After being taken to the hospital Nadler tweeted an update: “Appreciate everyone’s concern. Was very warm in the room this morning, was obviously dehydrated and felt a bit ill. Glad to receive fluids and am feeling much better. Thank you for your thoughts.”

It would behoove him to loosen his belt a bit underneath his armpits.
I’m going to hell for mocking Jerry Nadler, but I ain’t the only one.

In 2016, the New York Post reported staffers at the Democratic National Committee made fun of Nadler’s enormous girth.  It seems Nadler’s office asked to attend an Obama fundraiser in June of that year.

“Do you really want Nadler there?” Jordan Kaplan, then DNC national finance director, asked the White House.

DNC staffer, Zach Allen, took to mocking Nadler’s weight in an email exchange: “Homeboy is NOT little.”

Kaplan chimed in: “I thought he got his tummy tucked.”

Allen responded: “He did, but like [Chris] Christie it all came back.”

The exchange was part of the pile of DNC released by WikiLeaks.

I feel genuine compassion for Nadler after watching the video.  I wish him no ill will where his health is concerned. 

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