Fired FBI Director
James Comey graduated from William & Mary in 1984 with a double major in
chemistry and religion, and will teach for a full academic year beginning this
fall according to Reuters.
William & Mary
President Taylor Reveley said,
“Jim Comey is among William & Mary’s most distinguished alumni. Over the
years, he has been deeply committed to his alma mater. He understands to the
core of his being that our leaders must have an abiding commitment to ethical
behavior and sacrificial service if we are to have good government. Our
students will benefit significantly from his experience and wisdom.”
That statement clarifies
Comey’s absurdly holier-than-thou tweets.
“But justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” Amos 5:24— James Comey (@Comey) December 1, 2017
You just can’t make that kind of thing up....incredible— Gordon🇺🇸 (@StopTheLibCoup) January 19, 2018
Too bad Charles Manson died, he could teach the Law class
Word is Bill Clinton is teaching chivalry at the same place.— BlueReaganite (@ThinBlueLR) January 19, 2018