Sunday, October 8, 2017

She Wanted To Make A Point

A 94-year-old World War II veteran wearing a Buffalo Sabres jersey stood for the National Anthem this past Saturday.  Marian Morreale practiced how to stand for three months.  The Coast Guard veteran wanted to make a point.
"I think for these young athletes and the salaries they make, they should stand for the national anthem," she said. "But I don't think our president should use that word, SOB."
Morreale said she harbors no hard feelings toward the professional football players who are taking a knee when the National Anthem is sung, but says the anthem is too sacred to become a forum for political statements.
She entered the ice at KeyBank Center in a wheelchair, then stood and leaned against her walker as she looked up at the flag, smiling broadly as she sang along during the anthem.
"I won't be able to put my hand over my heart. I'm on one leg, and I have to hang on to my walker," said Morreale.  She had her left leg amputated last year due to poor circulation.

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