Friday, May 5, 2017

Shattered: Don’t Go Into Wisconsin!

“Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign” by journalists Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, has been optioned by TriStar Television, a division of Sony Pictures Television™, and Davis Entertainment for a limited book-to-TV series. The deal was confirmed by Bridget Matzie, a literary agent for the authors. A network is not yet attached to the project.

“Shattered” has been a mainstay in elitist dinner party chatter in political circles since its publication according to, none other than, The New York Times.
“The book’s assertions of campaign infighting and dysfunction—and the notion that Mrs. Clinton was at times befuddled by the frustration and resentment expressed by voters— cast an unflattering light just as Mrs. Clinton has re-emerged in a series of public appearances.”
Hillary’s worst nightmare materialized on Election Night and now to have a book written about her second and most egregiously failed attempt at becoming president must be transforming her into an emotional hobo.

Just the other day Granny said, “If the election had been held on October 27, I’d be your president.”  She couldn’t coordinate a single trip to Milwaukee and now, relegated to the ash heap of history, she will never allow Wisconsin cheese to touch her lips ever again.

Besides talk about the campaign, a TV series could set off a popular Washington parlor game:  Which actors and actresses might portray some of the more prominent players?

I’ve given this some serious thought.

The movie would open with Granny asked angrily, “Why am I not 50 points ahead you ask?” with frequent cutovers pannng the state of Wisconsin and an off-camera voice which says, “She’s still not here.”

The role of Cankles could go to Meryl Streep, Glenn Close, Rosie O’Donnell or Roseanne Barr.  I favor Roseanne because her raspy voice is strikingly as annoying as Granny’s.  The part of Huma Abedin could go to Ricky Maddow.  Chelsea could be played by comedian Carrot Top and Bubba could be played by Bill Cosby.

Will anyone want to relive the drama of Election Night 2016 and all those delicious liberal tears again?  Hell yeah.  I’d buy the DVD so I could watch it every day.

Watching Granny collapse at the 9/11 ceremony and being tossed into the back of a van like a side of beef would be worth the price of the DVD.  Amirite? 

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