Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Debbie Does Des Moines

The Left’s favorite cable news channel, MSNBC, and the website whose traffic has slumped appreciably over the past year, Politico will feature DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz to be their “instant analysis” headliner for their livestream special coverage.

Scared witless, Democratic campaign officials want to try to steal some of the thunder that the Iowa Caucuses have generated for the GOP.

Here’s how Debbie’s analysis will go tonight:

Republicans want to drag us back to the days of Jim Crow.  Obama is a proficient, remarkable lad capable of proficient and remarkable feats.  Refusing to increase spending and raise taxes on the wealthy is almost like a dictatorship.  Obama is a proficient, remarkable lad capable of proficient and remarkable feats.  Paul Ryan’s budget plan will throw granny over the cliff.  Obama is a proficient, remarkable lad capable of proficient and remarkable feats.

You get the idea.

Linked by The Other McCain.  Thank you, Smitty.


  1. LOL!

    Of course, I bet MSDNC's ratings were at all time lows last night.

  2. Oh, good gravy. That woman should be hawking 3 am jewelry on QVC.

  3. Cheap crap jewelry on QVC, the Democrat party, what's the difference? ;)


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