Thursday, May 7, 2020

A Savage Middle Finger To The Press Poodles

I’ve mentioned before that I loved watching what many called “Rona Rallies” where President Trump would shut down arrogant members of the press during the White House Coronavirus Task Force briefings.  None of their “gotcha” questions escaped the President’s devastating bitch-slaps.

Since Mark Meadows became the President’s Chief of Staff, the daily briefings conducted by Press Secretary Kaleigh McEnany have become must-see TV. Yesterday’s confrontation was glorious.

Reuter’s White House Correspondent, Jeff Mason, tip-toed into a mine field Wednesday when he asked, “In a previous life, before you were Press Secretary, you worked for the Trump campaign and you made a comment, I believe on Fox, in which you said President Trump will not allow the coronavirus to come into this country.  Given what has happened since then, obviously, would you like to take that back?”

Her response sent nuclear shock waves throughout the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room.

“I guess I would turn the question back on the media and ask similar questions. Does Vox want to take back that they proclaim that the coronavirus would not be a deadly pandemic? Does The Washington Post want to take back that they told Americans to 'get a grip,' the flu is bigger than the coronavirus? Does The Washington Post, likewise, want to take back that our brains are causing us to exaggerate the threat of the coronavirus?"

"Does The New York Times want to take back that fear of the virus may be spreading faster than the virus itself? Does NPR want to take back that the flu was a much bigger threat than the coronavirus? And finally, once again, The Washington Post, would they like to take back that the government should not respond aggressively to the coronavirus?"

"I'll leave you with those questions and maybe you'll have some answers in a few days," McEnany said before calmly leaving the room.


[If you missed it, you can watch it here.]

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