Sunday, March 8, 2020

Today Daylight Saving Time Became “Saving Comrade Bernie” Time

Ahead of Tuesday’s Michigan Democratic Primary, Reverend Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson decided to publicly endorse Comrade Bernie in an effort to blunt Uncle Joe’s strong support in the African-American community.

“As I think you well know, Jesse has been one of the great civil rights leaders in the modern history of this country,” Sanders said Sunday on ABC's This Week.
“What Rev. Jackson understands is that we have to move aggressively to wipe out all forms of racism in this country and we need an economic agenda that speaks to the needs of working people, not just the billionaire class. I think with Rev. Jackson—I think we got a real boost in our campaign,”  he told CNN's State of the Union.
Castro-loving Jackson noted the Biden campaign never asked him for his endorsement, but the Sanders campaign did.
Jackson said the Sanders' campaign responded to his concerns on voting rights, taxes needed on the wealthy, renewing a U.S. Civil Rights Commission, having a single payer health care plan and putting an African-American woman on the 2020 Democratic presidential ticket.
Sanders has also agreed to make sure that black women are in his Cabinet and are at the highest levels throughout his administration should he be elected president.
With Kamala Harris endorsing Uncle Joe today, that puts Comrade Bernie in a bit of pickle.  Now he’ll be forced to put failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey “Tank” Abrams on the ticket.
My, my, my how the worm turns for the hapless Democrats.  Bernie loves him some revolution.  Looks like Milwaukee could be a repeat of the 1968 Democratic National Convention riots.

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