Monday, January 27, 2020

New York Times Having A Clearance Sale On 11th Hour Bombshells

Sunday night the failing New York Times published a “breaking news” report based on an unpublished manuscript of John Bolton’s new book wherein he alleges President Trump said he wanted to keep foreign aid to Ukraine “frozen until its officials helped him with investigations into Democrats.”

Riddle me this:  Is this an amazing coincidence or a strategically timed leak to aid the Democrats’ coup to remove this President?

Hours after the New York Times leaked a passage from the book “The Room Where It Happened” it popped up for pre-order on Amazon. The book’s arrival on Amazon came a day before the President’s lawyers resume their presentation of his defense in the Senate.

Bolton's "manuscript was transmitted to the White House for prepublication review by the National Security Council," said Bolton adviser Sarah Tinsley. "The ambassador has not passed the draft manuscript to anyone else. Period." Bolton's lawyer, Charles Cooper, said in a statement "it is clear, regrettably, from The New York Times article published Sunday that the prepublication review process has been corrupted and that information has been disclosed by persons other than those properly involved in reviewing the manuscript."

Adam Schiff and the Democrats quickly pounced claiming, “Having access to Bolton's manuscript may have given Trump's aides and lawyers direct insight into what Bolton would say if he were called to testify at the impeachment trial," and "it also intensified concerns among some of his advisers that they needed to block Mr. Bolton from testifying,” the NYT reports.

Meanwhile, Bolton associates tell told the paper he wants to testify because “he believes he has relevant information and he has also expressed concern that if his account of the Ukraine affair emerges only after the trial, he will be accused of holding back to increase his book sales.” 
Sen. Joni Ernst displaying her notes from Saturday's impeachment trial showing names of House Impeachment Managers who voted AGAINST aid to Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman, a senior ethics lawyer for the National Security Council and identical twin brother of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, is in charge of reviewing all publications by current and former NSC officials and likely would have seen former NSC Advisor Bolton’s draft manuscript after it was submitted for prepublication at the end of December 2019.

UPDATE II:  Welcome readers of Whatfinger News.