Friday, November 22, 2019

I’ve Got A Fever, And The Only Prescription Is More Mr. Magoo!

Joe Biden’s verbal misfires have been a hallmark of his three failed presidential runs.  Each of the 2019 Democrat presidential candidate debates have given us rickety performances from the so-called front runner.

Touting his bona fides, Sleepy Joe declared during the scarcely watched debate in Atlanta, “I come out of the Obama coalition.  I come out of the black community in terms of my support.”  He then claimed he had the support of the only African American woman elected to the U.S. Senate which was clearly untrue.  When he tried to salvage his answer as Kamala Harris and Cory Booker challenged him, he added, “I said the first.”  Reviewing the tape, he did not make that distinction.

The right words struggled to make the perilous journey from Uncle Joe’s brain to his mouth, prompting former Obama Senior Adviser David Axelrod to mock his performance.  “I wouldn’t say he was a house afire in any of the debates that we’ve been to; and yet he comes…kind of bumps along, kind of Mr. Magooing his way through this.”

CNN commentator Van Jones suggested his barrage of blunders could clear a path for former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg saying, “And then Biden blows four tires in the last ten minutes.  If you’re Bloomberg you start looking and going, ‘Hey man.’”

Poor Joe.  He reminds of the Florida dog who recently jumped into his owner’s running car, accidently put it in reverse and drove around in a circle for an hour in a cul-de-sac.  When the cops arrived, the dog jumped out of the car appearing to have enjoyed the ride.

The legion of Trump haters are convinced President Trump fears Joe Biden more than the other candidates challenging him in 2020.  Oh really?

I seem to recall a campaign rally in Tupelo, MS where President Trump spoke to the crowd dismissing Democrats’ impeachment obsession saying, “Let’s see, I’ve got this guy named Sleepy Joe Biden.  How do I beat this guy?  Gee, I guess there’s only one way.  Let’s call up Ukraine for help.”

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