Friday, November 29, 2019

Hong Kong’s Sudden Hero: “The Champ”

The day before Thanksgiving President Trump tweeted an obviously photoshopped picture of himself as “Rocky Balboa” and The Resistance lost its feeble mind.  It was one of the highest trending topics on Twitter throughout the day.

What’s so fascinating about this is it came as the President was reportedly playing golf at his Mar-a-Lago residence while on his Thanksgiving vacation.  As far as everyone on the planet knew, he was supposed to spend the holiday in sunny Florida.  On Wednesday night the President left the resort for an undisclosed airport to fly to Andrews Air Force Base.  At Andrews he boarded Air Force One for the 13-hour flight to Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan for a surprise Thanksgiving visit with the troops.

Calling the visit a surprise is an understatement.  Security precautions were extreme.  All cell phones, including those of Senior White House Staff, were confiscated before boarding the flight.  The trip had been in the works for weeks.  Considering how many people were involved in the coordination of his visit, it’s quite stunning no one in the media knew about the visit beforehand.

One year ago, Maggie Haberman, White House correspondent for The New York Times and analyst for CNN tweeted:
Pete Souza, former Director of the White House Photography Office and Official White House Photographer for The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer noted in a tweet last year, “President Obama visited troops in Afghanistan four times and Iraq once but not on Thanksgiving.  Each Thanksgiving (and Christmas), he called ten members of the military who were stationed in various locales around the world.”

Thanksgiving is a living reminder of the exceptional glory of America.  While it is true most countries have days of family celebration, Thanksgiving remains a wondrous outlier.  Rather than traveling by covered wagons we hop aboard 727s or climb in our cars returning to the place than anchors life—home—back to family, back to love.

In opinion piece after opinion piece, our betters on the left want you to believe America today is no better than it was 400 years ago.  They are hellbent in their insistence the holiday destroys the environment and celebrates the destruction of the entire Native American culture.  They continue their misguided efforts to transform Thanksgiving into some sordid grievance sharing—not a holiday to be celebrated.  No, America must be shamed for it’s evil.

Attention please, you dim-witted nimrods!

President Trump signed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act on Wednesday.  Mere hours later pro-democracy protesters held a “Thanksgiving Rally” to praise the President’s actions.  In a public square in the beleaguered city, thousands waved American flags and held up copies of the Trump as Rocky photo composite.

He became Hong Kong’s sudden hero and China’s worst enemy. 

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