Sunday, November 24, 2019

CNN’s War Against Devin Nunes

CNN has lost so much of its prior viewership and its reputation it would be wise for the network to shut down, fire its entire management team and most of its journalists and start over with an entirely new name and a code of ethics.

Their televised Trump Derangement Syndrome has but one agenda:  to abort the presidency of Donald J. Trump by any means necessary.  Their Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” now includes a good and decent man whom they view as an acceptable casualty in their war against the President—Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes.

When the American public learns of a completely false news story, CNN is usually at the center of the story.

Nunes said on Saturday he plans to sue CNN and the Daily Beast for stories that accused him of meeting with a former Ukraine prosecutor Viktor Shokin in Vienna, Austria last year in a hunt for dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden.

Joseph A. Bondy (pictured in the graphic above) is the “source” for the story.  Bondy is the Manhattan attorney representing Soviet-born Lev Parnas.  Bondy wants Parnas to testify before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence led by Adam Schiff.

Parnas is living under house arrest at his Florida home after federal prosecutors charged him with illegally funneling foreign money into U.S. political campaigns.

The unsavory Mr. Bondy was cheered on via Twitter by indicted anti-Trump attorney Michael Avenatti.

Mr. Nunes released an official statement regarding his lawsuit against the laughingstock cable news outfit:

“These demonstrably false and scandalous stories published by the Daily Beast and CNN are the perfect example of defamation and reckless disregard for the truth. Some political operative offered these fake stories to at least five different media outlets before finding someone irresponsible enough to publish them. I look forward to prosecuting these cases, including the media outlets as well as the sources of their fake stories, to the fullest extent of the law. I intend to hold the Daily Beast and CNN accountable for their actions. They will find themselves in court soon after Thanksgiving.”

Every American should be alarmed by the McCarthyism that is prevalent in the media and the Intelligence Community.  Devin Nunes has been at the heart of the scandals surrounding a coup attempt and the collection of intelligence that allegedly occurred during the Trump transition in November and December of 2016 and January of 2017.

“There was clearly significant information about President Trump and his team [Trump Tower wiretapping] and there were additional names that were unmasked,” said Nunes in March of 2017.

Tuesday evening, March 21:  Nunes took a phone call while sharing a ride with a staffer, according to The Washington Post. After the call, he switched cars without telling his team where he was going.  The unscheduled trip was to the White House, where an unnamed source provided Nunes with information about incidental collection of Trump and his associates.

Wednesday afternoon, March 22: Nunes held a press conference in the Capitol building outlining “incidental collection” of Trump and associates, as well as their “unmasking,” from FISA surveillance.

Monday, March 27: Nunes admits meeting secretly at the White House with intelligence officials to view the intelligence behind his claims in his March 22 press conference.

In response, Adam Schiff called on Nunes to “recuse himself from any further involvement in the Russia investigation” and all “oversight matters pertaining to any incidental collection of the Trump transition."

In early April 2017, the House Ethics Committee opened an investigation into whether Nunes broke rules governing the public disclosure of classified information when he told reporters he had obtained details about “American intelligence monitoring foreign officials who may have picked up communications of Trump transition team members.”

Eight months later the Ethics Committee closed the case against Nunes declaring, “The Committee does not determine whether information is or is not classified.  In the course of this investigation, the Committee sought the analysis of Representative Nunes’s statements by classification experts in the Intelligence Community. Based solely on the conclusion of these classification experts that the information that Representative Nunes disclosed was not classified, the Committee will take no further action and considers this matter closed.”

There are conflicting opinions about the upcoming report from Inspector General Michael Horowitz to be released on December 9th concerning abuse of the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).  Ex-Whitewater Independent Counsel Sol Wisenberg feels it will be “very, very hard-hitting.”  Others expect the report will find there were “mistakes in the FBI’s handling of the FISA process, but that those mistakes do not undermine the premise for the FBI’s investigation.”
UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Whatfinger News.

UPDATE II:  Welcome readers of Pirate’s Cove.  We are grateful to the Admiral for linking to this post.