Thursday, October 31, 2019

Pupgate: All The President’s Photoshops

Following the utter obliteration of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,  the austere religious scholar with a penchant for occasional decapitations, the 45th President of the United States tweeted out a picture of the valiant military K9 that was on the raid of his compound in the Idlib region of Syria.

The Daily Wire had the temerity to “manipulate” a 2017 photograph taken during a Medal of Honor Ceremony for Army medic Spc. 5 James C. McCloughan.  A New York Times reporter was so incensed by the President’s retweet of the photoshopped picture, he reached out to the 73-year-old Nam vet for his thoughts on the matter.  McCloughan had not seen the image prior to the reporter sending it to him.
The reporter clearly didn’t get the response he was hoping for because McCloughan said he interpreted it as Mr. Trump recognizing the dog’s heroism.  According to the published report, he certainly was not offended and laughed when he compared the two images saying, “This recognizes the dog is part of that team of brave people.”

He was also concerned about the condition of the dog, after the President tweeted the dog had been injured when the terror leader detonated his suicide vest. “Once a medic, always a medic,” Mr. McCloughan said. 
President Trump said via Twitter at 12:36 AM this morning he will be greeting the heroic pooch when he visits the White House sometime next week. 
UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Whatfinger News.