Thank you so much! Much love and respect to you
Service member serving in Bagram PAX Terminal, Afghanistan
Thank you! It’s Sunday morning and this is exactly what I needed!
Service member serving in Al-Jaber Air Base, Kuwait
Michael thank you so much! Coffee is the fuel that gets me through the day. I really appreciate the gift and the support
Service member serving in Camp Buehring (Udairi), Kuwait
Thank you Michael. You're support means alot!
Service member serving in Bagram Main (south), Afghanistan
Thanks Michael! Woke up to this nice surprise this morning! I appreciate it! Davy - Baghdad
Service member serving in Union III, Iraq
Thank you Mr Butler, I appreciate the kind gesture!
Service member serving in JTC, Jordan
Thank you for your support . I appreciate it .
Service member serving in Buehring MOAB, Kuwait
Mr Butler, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. It's so humbling that folks like you are thinking of us back home and taking money from your wallet to spread a splash of cheer. From all of us... Thank you. -Nathan
Service member serving in Al Azraq, Jordan
Thank you
Service member serving in Bagram PAX Terminal, Afghanistan
Thank you sir! This made my week!
Service member serving in Al-Jaber Air Base, Kuwait
Thanks for the coffee and even more for the support, Nick
Service member serving in ATOC (Ops Town) - Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar
Michael, Thank you very much for the coffee! Anthony
Service member serving in Bagram Main (south), Afghanistan
Thank you for support the deployed troops. This cup of joe has made my day better, thank you!
Service member serving in ATOC (Ops Town) - Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar
Thank you for your generosity!! It makes a huge difference.
Service member serving in JTC, Jordan
Thank you for the cup of coffee, I really appreciate it. It’s nice to know people back home keep us in their thoughts.
Service member serving in BPC Mall, Qatar
The link is here: GreenBeansCoffeeCompany if you want to give a cup or three. I don't know about you, but the cost of a cup of coffee to someone far away from home serving their country is a small price to pay. And the rewards are worth it to me! Nobody is paying me to say this, because it makes you feel good! It's $2.50/ cup. You can write a short message, as I usually do, or not. You can be anonymous if you wish or you can even post your email addy if you are open to corresponding.
C'mon! You've got $2.50 in the couch cushions! Give it a try! You'll be glad you did!