Tuesday, July 23, 2019

D.C. Taverns: Dems’ Sorrows Know How To Swim

Many believe Wednesday’s testimony by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller will turn out to be more disappointing than the final episode of Game of Thrones.

Some D.C. bars are getting going early so that patrons can watch the shitshow together and some asshole with astonishing insight and deep wisdom will loudly proclaim those politicians on the big screen TV are just a bunch of crooks.

Imagine the denizens of The Swamp pretending to be so depressed over the hearing they have to visit a local D.C. gin mill at 9:00 AM to drown their sorrows.

Serving $6 Moscow Muellers, the Union Pub will take advantage of the fact that #theresistance and Dems’ sorrows know how to swim.
UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News.  We thank Doug Ross for linking to this post.