Monday, June 10, 2019

Iowa Democrat Party Hall Of Fame Clown Show

We have launched the PCP News Channel hiring a well-bred newshound, Dexter Sprinkley, to anchor our newscast.  Our focus will be on the field of 2020 Democrat candidates for president and to counter the fake news of Tater Stelter, The Accoster, Don LeMon and Ricky Madcow.

We have spared no expense in bringing you this innovative coverage of the political events that will have an impact on the future of our republic.

We purchased a dog house for Dexter and had a muralist paint the backdrop of a newsroom inside it.  We greased the palm of a nerd at a local electronics store to buy a new GoPro Hero 7 camera with 4K HD streaming and a Magic Mic™ and installed a 75-inch 4K Ultra HD widescreen TV.

Dexter’s first field report is from the Doubletree Hilton in Cedar Rapids, IA where 19 candidates challenging President Trump spoke for five minutes to the assembled audience.

Beto the Furry rented a taco truck and served free chorizo.  John Delaney hired a bagpiper and a mini blimp to fly overhead.  Pocahontas’ supporters wore bright feather boas.  (Feather headdresses would have been too on-the-nose.) 

Amy Klobuchar, senator from the Great State of Minnesota, tried to sell herself to the crowd as someone from America’s heartland in an unoriginal Sarah Palin-like manner saying, “I can see Iowa from my porch.”

The socialist guy who combs his hair with a balloon marched with striking workers and activists and Mayor Alfred E. Neuman hosted a barbecue as he played the piano with a local band.

Look at the throng of peeps to see him:
This ain’t your grandpa’s Democrat Party.  It’s full of socialists, identity politics activists and super-pissed leftists and all they ever clearly articulate is “Trump should be impeached, Trump is a racist, Trump is a fascist and Trump is mentally ill.”

Other than that, these party clowns with bubbles coming out of their hinies ain’t got squat.

If you’re interested, you can watch their 5-minute speeches via The Des Moines Register by clicking on the links below.

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