Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Dumbo Joe

During a campaign stop in the crucial Democrat primary state of South Carolina over the weekend, “Dumbo” Joe Biden did what all Democrats do.  He dug into the Democrat Playbook using racism as a tool to boost black turnout in 2020 and drive our nation further apart.

In criticizing Republicans who think voters should show identification before casting a ballot, the twice-failed presidential candidate recalled the racial segregation laws of the past.

“Folks, last year, 24 states introduced or enacted at least 70 bills to curtail the right to vote. And guess what, mostly directed at people of color. You see it. We have Jim Crow sneaking back in. No, I mean it! Why? Because they know if everybody has an equal right to vote, guess what? They lose!”

“The bottom line is we have a lot to root out, but most of all the systematic racism that most of us whites don't like to acknowledge even exists. We don't even consciously acknowledge it. But it’s been built into every aspect of our system.”

“White America has to admit there’s a still a systematic racism,” he continued, because blacks are the victims of substandard schools, undervalued houses, car insurance that costs more for no apparent reason and black poverty that is still twice that of white Americans.”

Biden’s remarks are little more than ad nauseum cookie-cutter talking points intended to portray Republicans as secretly pining for the days when blacks drank at separate water fountains and used separate public restrooms.

Maybe Uncle Joe doesn’t remember that asking voters to provide identification before casting a ballot is unrelated to Jim Crow, or that the 1964 Civil Rights Act ended such statutes just a couple years before Biden began law school.

The Scranton, PA native spent his first term as senator relying on the counsel and mentorship of Sen. James O. Eastland and other powerful segregationist Dixiecrats like Sen. John C. Stennis and Sen. Strom Thurmond.

One aspect of the civil rights agenda that Eastland hated most was the use of busing to send children across district lines in order to make schools more integrated.

"Forced busing to achieve racial balance ordered by federal courts is reprehensible, cruelly seeking to make our schoolchildren the victims of a problem of historical dimension," The Pittsburgh Press reported Eastland saying in 1973.  Joe Biden joined Eastland in his fight to dismantle busing laws.

Busing had become a big issue in Biden’s home state of Delaware as children were being bused out of the suburbs and into Wilmington and vice versa.

Busing was not used to fight public school segregation in the South only, and its introduction in the North caused some northern liberals, like Biden, to rethink their support for it and even join anti-busing southern Democrats in that fight

Southern politicians, who had been pushing against desegregation in the 1950s, realized, “Oh, OK, now that it's hit the doorstep of Northeasterners, they don't like it any more than we do.” And political alliances began to form.

The Dixiecrat mentorship Biden received during his early years in the Senate appear to have left their mark. In 1986, The Morning News reported on Biden's trip to Alabama, where Democratic state Sen. Howell Heflin told the crowd he "understands the South" and its "traditions and values." Biden, the Morning News reported, "even offered the crowd a bit of absolution, telling them that they had confronted their racial problems and dealt with them" and that "apologies were no longer necessary."

"A black man has a better chance in Birmingham than in Philadelphia or New York," Biden said then.

It has taken the rest of the country 50 years to see that Democrats are not the party of the working class, unions, middle class, farmers or debtors. They are the party of Wall Street privatizers, bank deregulators, infanticide, open borders, felons and illegal immigrants casting votes in presidential elections.

UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News.  We are grateful to Doug Ross, the proprietor, for linking to this post.

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