Saturday, May 4, 2019

After Making False Claim NBC Issues Correction

On Friday morning President Trump was on a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin amid an uprising in Venezuela.  The call lasted “a little over an hour.”

It was their first conversation since the conclusion of the Special Counsel investigation into the Kremlin's plot to disrupt the American presidential election in 2016. 

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders noted the leaders discussed extending an existing nuclear agreement and the possibility of a new nuclear deal that could include China.

She also said they discussed the crisis in Venezuela and the Administration's need for a peaceful transition of power in the country and delivering food and medical aid to its impoverished citizens. There was also discussion about the need for Russia to put pressure on North Korea to denuclearize.

The Mueller probe came up during the call. Sanders declared the Trump Administration is taking aggressive steps to prevent future election meddling by Russia. 

“This Administration, unlike the previous one, takes election meddling seriously,' she charged, “and we're going to do everything that we can to prevent that from happening.”  She added, “[we are] looking at ways to actually prevent it from taking place, instead of what they did in 2016, just letting it happen, knowing about it and doing nothing, and then trying to blame it on the incoming administration.”

NBC claimed in a published report at 1:06 PM that Sanders told reporters during a press gaggle just before noon President Trump told the Russian president White House Counsel Don McGahn would be available to testify before Congress.

The network was forced to issue a correction at 1:51 PM admitting their article incorrectly included the topic about whether McGahn would testify.

Someone on Twitter humorously suggested President Trump was ordering Beluga whales with laser beams from the Russian Navy on that phone call with Putin after it was learned last week that Norwegian fishermen discovered a Russian “spy whale” wearing a harness bearing the words “Equipment of St. Petersburg”.

The adorable mammals are ideal for operations in the Arctic.
UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News. We appreciate its proprietor, Doug Ross, linking to this post. 

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