Saturday, March 23, 2019

Why Is Everyone At CNN and MSNBC Standing On A Ledge?

After 675 days we now know collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign never existed.  The Democrat Media Complex’s fever dream was a bunch of malarkey.

Obama’s Department of Justice and FBI conspired to manufacture a dangerous story line so repulsive it would appall the American people and set them against Donald Trump, the duly elected President.  They willfully abandoned the very laws they were sworn to uphold and contributed to the biggest political scandal in American history.

The mainstream media conspired with John Brennan, Andrew McCabe, James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Christopher Steele, Hillary Clinton, the Washington Post, the New York Times, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, et. al. and now Americans cannot possibly believe another word, another utterance from them.  They will not apologize to us.  That’s alright.  Now we know too much about the FISA warrants and the Steele dossier and we will not be so easily deceived again.

The Deep State coup has failed.

President Trump has been hamstrung for two years.  He has persisted throughout this entire fantasy of the howling hyenas of the press.  Jim Acosta can you hear me?

They railed against the president when he called the press the "enemy of the people".  They were convinced they were saving the Republic.  My ass.

Apologies are owed to President Trump, his family, his Administration and to all the deplorables who never lost faith in the man who promised to fight for the forgotten men and women of this nation.

UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News.  We are grateful to Doug Ross for linking to this post.