Friday, March 22, 2019

The Caliphate Has Crumbled; Obama Should Be Along Any Minute Now To Take The Credit

US-led warplanes bombed the north bank of the Euphrates River in eastern Syria today to flush out holdout jihadists from the last sliver of their crumbling caliphate. The bombardment ended two days of relative calm on the front line in the remote village of Baghouz near the Iraqi border. The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) had paused its advance while it combed a makeshift jihadist encampment, which it overran on Tuesday.

An SDF official who asked not to be named said warplanes of the US-led coalition resumed strikes on suspected jihadist positions before dawn on Friday. Top SDF commander Jia Furat said his forces were engaging with the jihadists on several fronts while the coalition warplanes provided air support. The US-led coalition said the "operation to complete the liberation of Baghouz is ongoing".

President Trump, making brief remarks to reporters after landing in Palm Beach, FL showed a before-and-after map to demonstrate the extent of the caliphate’s losses during his presidency.

Some Islamic State fighters remain holed up in the central Syrian desert, an area entirely surrounded by the Syrian army.

Over the past two months, more than 60,000 people have flooded out of the dwindling pocket on the Euphrates around Baghouz, about half of them civilians including some Islamic State captives, the SDF has said.

The capture of Baghouz was slowed out of concern for thousands of civilian hostages.

The fate of the self-described caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, remains unknown. He has been reported "killed" perhaps a half-dozen times. In 2017, a Russian lawmaker said a Russian airstrike "close to 100 percent" killed him.

U.S. military officials in Syria believe he is still alive, hiding out in the desert near the Syria-Iraq border, based on communications intercepts and interviews with ISIS detainees. Last August, ISIS released an audio recording purporting to be Baghdadi, but he has not been heard from since.

UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News.  We’re glad you’re here and we are grateful to Doug Ross for linking to this post.

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