Babies are being killed because some adults think life is a
Last week, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, openly expressed the
Democrat position on abortion: there is
no obligation to protect the life of a child who was indecorous enough to
survive an abortion when she was obviously not “wanted”. In
other words, the right to an abortion is the right to an “effective abortion”
or a dead child.
The premise of the Born-Alive Infants’ Protection Act of 2002
was if a child survived an abortion it had the same claim as any other human
being to the protection of the law.
The problem back then
was President Bill Clinton was set to veto the bill if the civil and criminal
penalties were not stripped from it because defenders of abortion like the
National Organization for Women vehemently opposed efforts to protect any child
born alive.
If a child born alive is
nothing less than a human child with a claim to protection by the law, how is it
different from the same child five minutes, five days or five months earlier?
The right to abortion,
proclaimed in Roe v. Wade, extended
through the entire pregnancy and possibly gave the license to kill the child
after birth.
The bill became
impossible to enforce and nurses began telling stories of babies surviving
late-term abortions being put in rooms to die without any care; without even a
blanket. Sometimes they are killed by
lethal injection, asphyxiation or by breaking their spine.
The infanticidal
horrors exposed during the murder trial of Philadelphia abortionist
Kermit Gosnell and others like the notorious LeRoy Carhart operate throughout
this country with impunity. Carhart was
caught on tape explaining he injects the poison Digoxin into the baby’s heart
prior to inducing labor. The poison
kills the baby and “softens” the body like “meat
in a crock pot” and is more easily “delivered”.
The Gosnell trial gave
impetus to lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives to return to the original
bill and restore the civil and criminal penalties. The bill was decisively passed in September
2015 with a vote of 248-177 and again in January 2018 with a vote of 241-183.
Every Republican
supported the bill. Every. Single. One.
Why did @PattyMurray single-handedly block the Senate #BornAliveAct, which would protect babies who survive abortion? I asked her:— Jason Calvi (@JasonCalvi) February 6, 2019
Sen. Murray (D-WA)
argued the legislation is not necessary because there are already laws on the
books that prohibit infanticide.
“This is a gross
misinterpretation of the actual language of the bill that is being asked to be
considered and, therefore, I object,” said Murray.
After her objection,
Republican Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa lamented that the Senate “can no longer
unanimously condemn murder.”
In the world's greatest deliberative body, the United States Senate, it is unfathomable that a bill that simply prohibits infanticide was blocked on the floor. Rationality, decency and basic human compassion have fallen by the wayside. Watch my full floor speech here:— Joni Ernst (@SenJoniErnst) February 5, 2019
Abortion portrays a
child as an intrusion. The time to choose whether a woman is ready to receive
the greatest gift of all is before conception not after.
UPDATE: Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored
News. As always, we are grateful to
Doug Ross for linking to this post.