Footage by Japan's TBS
TV showed
Kim Jong Un, who has never used a comb as an eating utensil, taking a pre-dawn
smoke break at a train station in Nanning, China hours before his arrival in
Vietnam for his summit with President Donald Trump.
Kim arrived in Vietnam after
an almost 70-hour train ride that cut through southern China. While it remains
unclear why Kim chose to travel thousands of miles through China instead of flying
into Hanoi, some experts say he could have intended to showcase North Korea's
ties with its major ally China, a crucial leverage in his negotiations with
Trump. Kim, who has modeled his leadership style after his charismatic
grandfather Kim Il Sung, also could have tried to inspire nostalgia among North
Koreans about their state founder, who frequently traveled on trains.
In other North Korean news, early planting begins on 2019 radish crop.
are compelled to point out Chairman Kim is a habitual smoker and the habit is
hazardous to a smoker’s health.
UPDATE: Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored
News. We’re happy you’re here and we
are grateful to Doug Ross for linking to this post.