Thursday, November 15, 2018

Basta La Vista Creepy Porn Lawyer

At 5:50 PM Wednesday afternoon, the scandal sheet TMZ published a report revealing creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti had been arrested on charges of felony domestic violence.

Avenatti was released after posting $50,000 bail, at which point, he made a brief public statement claiming he would be “fully exonerated” following an investigation.
Initial reports said the woman involved was Avenatti’s estranged wife Lisa Storie-Avenatti however her attorney disputed the report saying, “Ms. Storie-Avenatti was not subject to any such incident on Tuesday night. Further, she was not at Mr. Avenatti’s apartment on the date that this alleged incident occurred. My client states that there has never been domestic violence in her relationship with Michael and that she has never known Michael to be physically violent toward anyone.”

The woman who actually was involved in the alleged physical altercation reportedly scrambled from the apartment where the incident occurred and was spotted on the sidewalk holding her hands over her eyes while shouting into her cell phone. “I can’t believe you did this to me.”

Five minutes later, Avenatti arrived at the apartment complex and yelled repeatedly, “She hit me first,” then, “This is bullshit, this is fucking bullshit.” The alleged melee occurred after the woman attempted to pick up her belongings and called 911 after tempers ran hot.

“We’re told her face was ‘swollen and bruised’ with ‘red marks’ on both cheeks,” TMZ reports. 

While the creepy porn lawyer is attempting to burnish his credentials as a potential 2020 Democrat presidential candidate, he is facing mounting legal entanglements, including a possible criminal investigation by the Justice Department. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has asked for a criminal investigation into whether Julie Swetnick and Avenatti conspired to provide false statements to Congress and obstructed a congressional investigation during the confirmation process for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Grassley wrote in a letter to the Justice Department that Swetnick and Avenatti made serious allegations that required significant resources to investigate. However, Grassley says information from media interviews and elsewhere indicates their statements “likely contained materially false claims.”

The Vermont Democratic Party canceled Avenatti's appearances for Friday and Saturday following his arrest, and it will refund all ticket sales, according to VDP Communications Director Christopher Di Mezzo.

The decision to cancel the events was made "almost immediately after the news broke," he said.

The creepy porn lawyer’s aspirations may just have suffered a setback.  What a pity. (stifles laughter)

UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Bad Blue Uncensored News. We wish to thank Doug Ross for linking to this post.