From the looks of
things someone whose Twitter bio describes them as #NeverAgain #Resist got the
ball rolling with the hashtag #secondcivilwarletters.
My Immortal Beloved:— Facial Merkin (@facialmerkin) July 3, 2018
I am trapped behind enemy lines and I fear many of the horrific atrocities we presumed to be merely urban legends are indeed true.
They eat Miracle Whip and Ted Nugent has fans.
Pray for us.
As fate would have it,
America’s favorite Twitterer, Iowahawk, tweeted his version of #secondcivilwarletters
to his “Darling
Clara” and
it was hilarious (cue the violins):
#secondcivilwarletters— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 3, 2018
My Darling Clara,
I write to you today along the Twittermattox timeline where the infirmary tents continue to fill without cessation, the woods ringing with the barking despairs hollowed-eyed souls driven to madness by butthurt and sick burns.
I have done what I can to stanch the outbreaks of gangrene and capslock but I fear there will be no respite, as Colonel Trump's militia and the Resisters have vowed victory, even down to the final lunatic, and I am running low on bandages and alcohol.— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 3, 2018
The situation has become desperately hilarious and I fear that I, like so many others, shall lose my own buttocks to the dark laughter. I implore you my dearest to please pray for my buttocks and send more alcohol.— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 3, 2018
Your Faithful and Devoted BAE,
Then news from the enemy’s
front lines proved to be equally dismal:
Dearest Parents,— Tim 🌊🏘 (@tim_username) July 3, 2018
The mess hall has run out of avocados so I was forced to top my toast with jam. The fog of war is so trying at times that even my therapy unicorn brings no comfort. 😢 #SecondCivilWarLetters
#secondcivilwarletters My dearest dear. All hope is lost. The fake vaginas didn't work. Screeching also failed. I fear the resistance, as it is today, is an utter failure. Please enlighten those at home to this dire situation. We need more triggers.— maurice nickless (@mnix49mn) July 3, 2018
Dearest love— John Callahan (@dnj9399) July 3, 2018
I regret to write you one last passage. For our troops to survive we must drink water here in Flint, MI #secondcivilwarletters
My dearest Megan,— BionicJoe (@Bionicjoe) July 3, 2018
My only hope is that this letter makes it into the Ken Burns documentary on PBS. Send a portion of my check to the 'Viewers Like You' telethon, and forever carry our love in the free tote bag.
Yours in covfefe,
Joe #secondcivilwarletters
I fall in battle, dearest, promise you will play Ashokan Farewell at my funeral
and I shall die a happy man..."