Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Presidential Physician Destroys The Left’s Narrative Confirming President Trump Is A Stable Genius

CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller tweeted, “On the president's mental acuity, Dr. Ronny Jackson said, ‘The president is very sharp, very intact.’ He declared the president ‘fit for duty─for this term and another,’ if he's re-elected.
It was indescribably satisfying to watch Adm. Ronny Jackson during today’s extraordinary press briefing humiliate the mainstream mongrels who have mercilessly hounded this President.
As Tom Rogan noted at The Washington Examiner, “…to the chagrin of much of the press corps, Jackson seemed medically wowed by Trump's health. The former "Apprentice" host, he said, "has as a very unique ability to just get up in the morning and reset." It was amusing to watch as the decorated military officer delivered an intellectually robust and professional performance to a press corps that had hoped he would say Trump was insane. As the limited, mouth-foaming reactions on Twitter now attest, Jackson is beyond reproach for all but the most ardent liberal fanatics.”
“The admiral's conclusion? All clinical data indicates Trump is currently very healthy, and he will remain so for the duration of his presidency."

UPDATE:  Welcome readers of iOTWReport.  We are grateful to MJA for linking to this post.

UPDATE II:  Welcome readers of Fisherville Mike.  We wish to thank Mike for linking to this post.