Tuesday, August 29, 2017

I Hear You Loud And Clear I Just Don’t Care

He made $24 million in six years on a $193,400 annual government salary. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation. 
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has the lowest favorability rating of any elected official with a national profile, according to a new Harvard-Harris poll provided exclusively to The Hill.
McConnell, who is not up for reelection until 2020, only has an 18 percent job approval rating in Kentucky according to a poll released this week by the left-leaning Public Policy Polling.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is underwater, posting a negative 33-47 split, but he is viewed favorably by 63 percent of Republican respondents nationwide.  I find this to be wildly inexplicable.
Conrad Black, commenting at National Review noted, “…three-quarters of Americans despise the Congress as tainted and ineffectual windbags wallowing in the public trough. Congress has become a useless appendage, a hopeless, stupid, talking shop that, apart from tax cuts after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and Obamacare, has done nothing significant since welfare reform in 1996. The mutual antipathy between the president and all the congressional leaders is obvious and unseemly. Trump shouldn’t be tweeting about it, but it is nervy for McConnell and Ryan to criticize publicly almost everything the president does.”

Congress is scheduled to reconvene after Labor Day.