Friday, August 18, 2017

He’s Going To Go Medieval On Their Ass

The quake you felt Friday afternoon came on the heels of the White House announcement that Chief Strategist Steve Bannon was leaving the Trump Administration.
Pundits were quibbling over whether Bannon resigned or was fired.  The question of tantamount importance is with whom will Bannon go to war now that he has been “unshackled.”
Writing at Daily Wire Ben Shapiro pointed to something he said one year ago:  “Bannon understands that in the game of thrones, you win or die; he doesn’t intend to die.” Now that he’s been beheaded by Trump, look for him to try to become the Night King, leaving destruction in his wake.
At 10:18 AM, Joel B. Pollak, Senior Editor at Breitbart Media, tweeted the hashtag #WAR.
In his first public remarks since his ouster, Bannon told Joshua Green, Senior National Correspondent at Bloomberg and author of “Devil's Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the Presidency”, he will be “going to war” for Trump, warning that he will continue to press the populist cause against the political and corporate establishment. “If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up:  I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents—on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America.” 
Gabriel Sherman, Special Correspondent for Vanity Fair and NBC/MSNBC contributor was evidently so excited this villain was gone he tweeted: “Bannon friend says Breitbart ramping up for war against Trump.  “It is now a Democrat White House,” source says. [emphasis mine]
David Bossie, a long-time Republican operative, former deputy campaign manager for the Trump campaign and Chairman of conservative advocacy group Citizens United appeared on Fox News Special Report to allay any fears Bannon would turn on Trump.
UPDATE:  Welcome readers of Adrienne’s Corner.  We greatly appreciate the linky-love Miss A.