Wednesday, June 29, 2016

John Kerry On ISIS Targeting Airports: We Will Shoot Them Full Of Rhythm And Blues

As France was struggling to emerge from the three days of terror surrounding the attack on the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in January 2015, The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer didn't attend a unity march in Paris that was attended by many European heads of state nor did his Secretary of State, John Kerry, who never fails to remind us of his deep ties to France.

After enduring a firestorm of criticism for failing to send a high-ranking official to the rally, Kerry finally made it to Paris four days later where he immediately cemented his reputation as an international laughingstock.

In perhaps the most pathetic diplomatic apology ever enacted without actually saying “I’m sorry,” Kerry offered a “big hug” to a room full of survivors, family members and first responders involved in the Charlie Hebdo massacre. And then he trotted out James Taylor, looking on proudly as the 70s-era guitarist serenaded the shell-shocked survivors with a soulful rendition of “You’ve Got A Friend.”

Yachtboy spoke from the Aspen Ideas Festival Tuesday night laboring to minimize the shootings and bombings at Istanbul’s Ataturk airport.

"It has been more than one year since Daesh has actually launched a full scale military offensive, and that's because our coalition is moving relentlessly on every front," Kerry said.

"Now, yes, you can bomb an airport, you can blow yourself up. That's the tragedy," he continued. "Daesh and others like it know that we have to get it right 24/7/365. They have to get it right for ten minutes or one hour, so it's a very different scale."

Kerry continued, "And if you're desperate and if you know you are losing, and you know you want to give up your life, then obviously you can do some harm."

"We are still collecting information and trying to ascertain what happened and who did it and I won't comment further on it except to say that this is daily fare and that's why I say the first challenge we need to face is countering non-state violent actors, for a host of reasons," Kerry said.