Khan, a 16-year-old schoolboy, was sitting with his classmates during a careers
guidance session at the Army Public School in Peshawar when gunmen wearing
paramilitary uniforms burst in and opened fire. He cowered under a bench
playing dead as filthy animals pumped bullets into the bodies of his fellow
In the aftermath of the massacre
the children spoke of the horror they witnessed. One said, “I tried to get up but fell to the
ground because of my wounds. When I crawled to the next room, it was horrible.
I saw the dead body of our office assistant on fire. She was sitting on the
chair with blood dripping from her body as she burned.”
Another boy who spoke of his
dramatic escape as bullets flew past his head said, “I saw a few soldiers
trying to encircle a young man who was wearing a similar uniform to them. When
soldiers tried to approach him, there was a huge blast. The other guy was one
of the terrorists. This was such a horrible scene. For a few moments, I couldn't
understand what was going on. I saw his body parts flying in the air after the
blast. One of the soldiers was badly
Thirteen days ago, while
speaking at Georgetown University, former Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton spoke on the subject of “Smart
Power: Security Through Inclusive
As she spoke it was blah, blah
this and blah, blah that followed by this amazingly naïve bit of dishonest
“This is what we call smart power: using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security, and leaving no one on the sidelines, showing respect, even for one’s enemies, trying to understand and insofar as psychologically possible empathize with their perspective and point of view—helping to define the problems, determine the solutions, that is what we believe in the 21st Century will change. Change the prospects for peace.”
Our shameful foreign policy does
not stem from our lack of empathy and damn you liberals to hell for saying it
does. Forgive my political
incorrectness, but the second rising of barbarians at the gate can be traced
directly to the inauguration of The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer.
I hope I do not live long enough
to witness another 9/11. May God have
mercy on us all.