Thursday, October 23, 2014

“A Nation Of Sheep Will Beget A Government Of Wolves”

Regular readers of this blog may have noticed that blogging has been very light this week.  There’s a good reason for my absence.

I have been working at the local “Victory” office of North Carolina senatorial candidate Thom Tillis passing out bumper stickers, buttons and campaign yard signs, making phone calls and walking neighborhoods all in an effort to help him unseat incumbent Democrat Senator Kay Hagan.

North Carolina has 100 counties, of which 30 are blue.  I live in one of those blue counties.

On Wednesday, October 22nd, Thom made a campaign stop at Wingate University with Congressman Paul Ryan

Noting that circumstances are eerily similar to what the nation was facing in 1980—an energy crisis, rising gas prices, hostages being taken in the Middle East and Russia “going anywhere it wanted to go”—Tillis said that “Reagan created a vision of optimism and the emergence of America being great again.”
He said he is running because the students are owed the same opportunity to believe in America and the American Dream.

At one point Tillis referred to the debate on Tuesday night that Hagan did not participate in.  The “debate” featured an empty chair next to him.  Tillis said, “In fairness, I think it was her best performance yet.”

Early voting begins today in my state and I have been selected as a poll watcher. Judicial Watch discovered a scheme by Rev. Dr. William Barber to urge those attending the 71st Annual North Carolina NAACP Conference to “take unregistered voters to vote during the Early Voting period and to engage in get-out-the-vote activities on Election Day.”

NAACP’s leaders appear willing to risk the confusion and disenfranchisement of their own members in order to deceive a Court about common sense election integrity laws.

If the underhandedness of the North Carolina NAACP were not enough to cause alarm, The Winston-Salem Journal is reporting that 145 potential illegal voters appear on the State Board of Elections voting rolls.  Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) beneficiaries can obtain drivers licenses but are not legally permitted to vote.  SBOE believe more ineligible people may still remain on the voting rolls.

Jay DeLancy, Executive Director of the Voter Integrity Project wants to know how such a large number of non-U.S. citizens were ever registered to vote in the first place.”  Speaking to Watchdog. org DeLancy said, “There is clearly a system failure here and we need the Board of Elections and the DMV to help the Legislature and the public understand where the problem lies.”

My job as poll watcher will be to challenge any voter believed to be not qualified to vote in that precinct.  Judges will determine whether or not the challenge is valid.