Tuesday, I posted an article informing my readers that a cadre of conservative
bloggers were banding together to relaunch a movement called “Ten Buck
Friday”. Four years ago that cadre was determined to
help elect fiscal conservatives to Congress.
That was the year that Republicans handed The World’s Most Dangerous
Community Organizer a “shellacking”.
strategists agree the House is solidly in GOP hands, and no one thinks the
November midterm elections will change that.
House and gubernatorial contests pale in comparison to the question of
who will control the Senate next January.
If Republicans win back the Senate, it could have a profound effect on the
president’s final years in office and on the future of the Republican Party.
Buck Fridays” will concentrate on the Senate races of Republicans vying for
seats to effectively put this Administration in an “oversight headlock” and rid
the Senate of Harry Reid's obstructionist leadership.
Larry Sabato has already called the races in
Alabama, Idaho, Maine, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Texas and Wyoming as “safe” for Republicans.
This week I
have chosen to highlight what strategists agree are the most vital seats to
victory for Thom Tillis (R-NC) could
determine whether the Senate remains in Democratic hands. Iowa is supposed to be the Democrats’
firewall, but State Senator Joni Ernst
has the enthusiasm of Republican circles.
Cory Gardner (R-CO) is
running a highly competitive race and a GOP victory would make would make it
much more likely that Republicans would win control of the Senate. Bill
Cassidy (R-LA) and Tom Cotton (R-AK)
are giving fits to Mary Landrieu and Mark Pryor.
Clear Politics shows Tillis up by 1, Ernst up by 0.2, Gardner down by 1,
Cassidy up by 3 and Cotton up by 1.7 points in their most recent polling.
all that said, what is “Ten Buck Friday?”
Each Friday between now and November 4th we are asking our readers to
consider contributing $10 to the campaign of the candidate(s) we have
highlighted that week. Make sure to mark your contribution “Ten Buck
Friday” so the candidate will know the blogosphere is with them in standing
guard over liberty.
to Thom Tillis here.
to Joni Ernst here.
to Cory Gardner here.
to Bill Cassidy here.
to Tom Cotton here.
consider visiting the other bloggers who are participating in this
movement: Adrienne's Corner, Diogenes' Middle Finger, Fisherville Mike, Laughing Conservative, Left Coast Rebel, Mind Numbed Robot, Proof Positive, Texas Conservative News, Theo Spark and Wyblog.