Friday, September 12, 2014

Ten Buck Friday For September 12, 2014

Before we talk about this week’s Ten Buck Friday candidates, it’s important to note the Congress will avoid another shutdown through a Continuing Resolution that would fund the government through March 27, 2015 according to Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and GOP strategist John Feehery.

The most recent Washington Post/ABC News Poll has some devastating data points that will most likely impact the 2014 midterm election:

Obama’s Job Approval:  51% Disapprove
Handling of the Economy:   54% Disapprove
Handling of International Affairs:   56% Disapprove
Implementation of Obamacare:   56% Disapprove
Handling of Immigration:   59% Disapprove
Is America On The Right Track/Wrong Track:  65% Wrong Track
Will Republican Party Take Control in November:  45% Yes
Has Obama United or Divided the Country:  55% Divided
Is Obama A Strong Leader:  55% Weak
Has Obama Presidency Been a Success Or Failure:  52% Failure
Is Economy Excellent, Good or Poor:  69% Poor
Support/Oppose Obamacare:  52% Oppose
Is ISIS A Serious Threat:  91% Yes

The remedy now is for voters to send a message that will thunder through the halls of Congress and give The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer another well-deserved “shellacking”.  Just this past Sunday The New York Times projected Republicans have a 61% chance of taking control of the Senate.

This week we’re going to concentrate on the five Blue States that are toss-up races in the Senate:  Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Louisiana and North Carolina.

The Real Clear Politics Average through September 10th shows that Dan Sullivan is up 1.3 points over Mark Begich in the Alaska race.  Arkansas’s Mark Pryor is trailing his opponent Tom Cotton by 2.4 points.  Iowa is proving a little tougher with Bruce Braley continuing to lead opponent Joni Ernst by 1.2 points.  Bill Cassidy continues to hold a 1.3 point lead over a weakened Mary Landrieu in Louisiana and finally North Carolina has flipped again to Kay Hagan leading Thom Tillis by 1.8 points where earlier he held a negligible 0.8 point advantage.

Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball has already stated that the best-case scenario for the Democrats is a 50/50 tie in the Senate with VP Joe Biden’s tiebreaking vote narrowly keeping Dingy Harry as majority leader.  The weight of an unpopular president [as noted above] and a GOP-leaning Senate map is subtly moving things a tick or two in the Republican direction.

That’s where you come in.  Each Friday between now and November 4th we are asking our readers to consider contributing $10 to the campaign of the candidate(s) we have highlighted that week.  Make sure to mark your contribution “Ten Buck Friday” so the candidate will know the conservative blogosphere is with them in standing guard over liberty.

Contribute to Dan Sullivan here..
Contribute to Tom Cotton here
Contribute to Joni Ernst here.
Contribute to Bill Cassidy here.
Contribute to Thom Tillis here.

Please consider visiting the other bloggers who are participating in this movement:  Adrienne's CornerDiogenes' Middle FingerFisherville Mike, Laughing ConservativeLeft Coast RebelMind Numbed RobotProof PositiveTexas Conservative NewsTheo Spark and Wyblog.