Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Left Has Gone Utterly Apoplectic Over GOP Campaign Ad

Photo courtesy:  Adolphe Pierre-Louis/Albuquerque Journal
The lefty websites are squealing in outrage over a campaign ad released yesterday by Republican senatorial candidate Allen Weh who is seeking to unseat New Mexico Democrat Tom Udall.  Political opponents are critical of the web-only ad implying it used a tragedy to promote his campaign.

Coverage of the ad by news outlets from the Washington Post to CNN quickly brought the New Mexico race to the national stage.

Weh is a retired Colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve.  He began his service as an enlisted Marine before being selected for Officer Candidates School. He served two tours in Vietnam and with the British Royal Marines in Malaysia. Colonel Weh was recalled to active duty during the Persian Gulf War, for the U.S. expedition into Somalia, and to serve as Chief of Staff of Marine Forces Pacific prior to retiring in 1997.

Currently, Udall is leading Weh in the Senate race. The Real Clear Politics polling average shows Udall leading Weh 53 percent to 37 percent.  Perhaps that will change.

All the hub-bub is over a blistering attack by Weh’s campaign on the lack of leadership of both The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer and Udall.  An audio clip of Obama promising to be dedicated to his job is interspersed with images of violence abroad and our semi-retired president on vacation.  A cropped image of American journalist James Foley’s murderer is part of the montage.
OBAMA:  You, you give me this office and in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, vacations, leisure is gone. 
UDALL:  I know as far as I feel, this diplomatic path that we're on right now is a good one.  
OBAMA:  I’m giving myself to you and the American people should have no patience for whatever is going through your head because you’ve got a job to do.  
UDALL:  I know as far as I feel, this diplomatic path that we're on right now is a good one. 
The ad concludes with these words flashed on the screen:  “To change Washington, you must change your Senator.”
Udall’s campaign was quick to criticize the ad saying, "James Foley’s death is a tragedy, and to use his killer’s horrific image for personal gain in a campaign ad is reprehensible and appalling." 

Udall's campaign manager, Daniel Sena, said in a statement, "If Allen Weh wants to talk about the issues with New Mexico voters he should find a way to do it that is respectful and substantive. Using James Foley’s horrific and tragic death for shock value is offensive to Mr. Foley's family, New Mexico voters and the rest of our country."

“Out of respect for the Foley family, no picture of James Foley was used,” Weh’s campaign manager, Diego Espinoza, said in an email to Politico’s Morning Score. “Tom Udall’s feigned outrage over the inclusion of a now familiar image of this Jihadi terrorist, who is clearly the face of the evil that threatens our nation. Senator Udall’s comments about our diplomacy being ‘good’ reflect his naiveté and inexperience in matters of national security.”

In a telephone interview with Albuquerque's KRQE News 13, Weh said he stood by the ad.  “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. In fact, I think it serves the greater good.  You’ll note that no picture of Mr. Foley was ever in that film. None, ever.”

Late Monday night, Foley’s brother Michael, gave KRQE a statement saying his family had “no reaction” to Weh’s ad.  “His decision [to use the image] doesn’t affect the family.”

The reason Foley’s brother reacted in that fashion is because he is angry and believes the United States let his murdered brother down.  He alluded to the much trumpeted 'flawless' July 4 rescue mission for the captive reporter which failed when it raided the wrong base.

If you would like to contribute to Weh’s campaign to help restore leadership go here.

And here's his "Freedom" ad