Monday, July 23, 2012

NCAA Deals A Blow To Penn State And Joe Pa

No longer larger than life, the man who sold his soul to the devil will be remembered as the man who played a role in the Jerry Sandusky cover-up by looking the other way as he committed despicable acts of sexual abuse.    His failure to protect the young men whom Sandusky had violated was reckless and callous. Their lives have been forever altered.

With the penalties and corrective actions imposed by the NCAA today, Joe Pa officially lost his title as the “winningest” coach in Division 1A college football.
"The NCAA imposed a $60 million sanction on the university, which is equivalent to the average gross annual revenue of the football program. These funds must be paid into an endowment for external programs preventing child sexual abuse or assisting victims and may not be used to fund such programs at the university. The sanctions also include a four-year football postseason ban and a vacation of all wins from 1998 through 2011. The career record of former head football coach Joe Paterno will reflect these vacated records. Penn State must also reduce 10 initial and 20 total scholarships each year for a four-year period. In addition, the NCAA reserves the right to impose additional sanctions on involved individuals at the conclusion of any criminal proceedings."
“There must have been about 100 people in the student center—current and prospective students, employees and alumni, all watching a big screen television. And, with the announcement of each penalty, there was an audible gasp from the people in the audience, watching the television screen.”
“Afterwards, there were no tears visible, but it seemed that some people were beyond tears; they were speechless.”
“One woman, as she recounted each of the penalties—one after another, was still visibly shaken.”
Monte Poole had this to say:
“The penalties, on a visceral level, were not at all outrageous. Horrible crimes took place under the umbrella of Penn State football. Somebody had to pay, and pay dearly.”
“Paterno's legacy already is tainted and scarred, his years of sainted reverence exposed as a sham. His statue was removed Sunday morning. Good riddance.”
“But Paterno, who ignored his moral obligation in hopes of preserving what he had built, already is dead.” 
“Sandusky, convicted last month on 45 of 48 charges, involving 10 victims, already has had his day in court and faces sentencing.”
“Those representing Penn State administration—particularly former president Graham Spanier, former vice president Gary Schultz and former athletics director Tim Curley—already are or possibly could be facing criminal prosecution.”
“The procession of young boys molested by a man they initially perceived as an idol surely will react with varying degrees of satisfaction. They've lost what they'll never get back.”
“Somebody had to pay, though. The institution had to pay and pay dearly for failing those who were, by design, its number one priority: the students.”
“Emmert on Monday, in an act of clear-eyed indignation, power-washed the ashes. It was refreshing to see him take such harsh action.”
“It was disappointing to know those at Penn State throughout these crimes did not.”
Mr. Poole’s assessment is dead-on.  Those who disagree with the justice meted out by the NCAA need to look inside themselves and ask whether they too may have danced with the devil along with Joe Pa.