As you may
know by now, Robert Stacy McCain, is momentarily on the lam trying to keep his
family safe from Brett
Kimberlin AKA the Speedway Bomber.
If you don’t
know who this vicious creep is, you’ve got to read up on him here.
Wanting his
friends from far and wide across the blogosphere to know that he is safe and
sound, Stacy is sending postcards from exotic vacation spots.
I just received
this one from Italy’s Tower of Pisa.
Stacy cunningly wrote, “Always wanted to visit the Leaning Tower of
Pisa. Every picture I ever saw of the
thing had it leaning left. I am happy to
report it leans to the RIGHT.”
Please hit
Stacy’s tip
jar so he and his family can see the world and don’t be surprised if he
writes something pithy on the back of the postcard like, “The weather is
here. Wish you were beautiful.”