Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Obama In History

Team Obama does the darndest things.  Rory Cooper, of the Heritage Foundation, noticed that they’ve begun rewriting presidential history by inserting references to the errand boy sent by grocery clerks into the biographies of his predecessors.

John Hayward at Human Events writes, “A rollicking 'Obama In History' game of round-robin mockery erupted on Twitter, that fabled social media service conceived by Calvin Coolidge and made significant by Barack Obama.  I suggested adding a blurb to Abraham Lincoln’s biography, saluting the Emancipation Proclamation as history’s second gutsiest call."

The RNC set up a Tumbler page to poke fun at this insipid move to glorify the idiot in the White House.

I couldn’t let this pass without offering my own version of a poke in the eye.