Sunday, January 29, 2012

The State Of Our Disunion

Linked at The Frugal Café and The Other McCain.  Thanks so very much.
Also linked at The Lonely Conservative.  Thanks Mrs. B
UPDATE 1:  Linked at The Pirate's Cove and Maggie's Notebook.  Thanks.
UPDATE 2:  Linked at Proof Positive and Say Anything.   I appreciate the linky-love.
UPDATE 3:  Linked at Mind Numbed Robot.  Thanks, 'Bot.


  1. Morning, Curmudgeon. I plan on linking this whenever my stupid blog host decides to fix the servers. Sigh.

    Great video. Good job!

  2. Thank you, Admiral. I much appreciate it.

  3. I wonder why Barry never got around to addressing those facts in his SOTU? TOTUS must have forgot!

  4. @Proof,

    How rude of you to criticize Dear Leader. TOTUS makes no mistakes. The blame rests with the reader, AKA POTUS.

    Good to hear from you.

  5. Sorry, Curmudgen, couldn't do it yesterday, server down most of the day. Will do tomorrow.

  6. Hey Curmudgeon, I have it up. I'm late. Some things going on with my Mom. My blogging has been a bit disjointed. Great Job!

    To post, I'm asked to choose an ID. The only thing that works is my old blog at blogger.


  7. @William Teach,

    Hey, better late than never. And my thanks for the linky-love.

  8. @Maggie Thornton,

    As I said to William Teach, I am thankful for the linky-love regardless of when it comes.

    Take care of the mom unit and yourself.


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