Wednesday, January 15, 2020

And The Winner Is…

After what many, including myself, saw as the performance of the ages when Clemson was unequivocally humbled by a Bayou Beatdown in New Orleans Monday night, it was impossible for CNN’s Democratic Presidential Debate from Des Moines to generate a scintilla of excitement for what turned out to be more like dance night at a retirement home.

The moderators asked predictably skewed questions meant to gin up the animosity between Pocahontas and the guy who combs his hair with a balloon who, according to her, said a woman could not win the White House. 

Van Jones, CNN commentator and ardent supporter of The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer, described what he watched as “cold oatmeal”. “The Democrats are going to have to do better than what we saw tonight,” he said. “There was nothing I saw tonight that would be able to take Donald Trump out—and I want to see a Democrat in the White House as soon as possible.”

Debate recap:  “Sen, Klobuchar your time has expired.”  “Trump did it.”  “Let me be clear.”  “Sen. Klobuchar, your time…”  “Folks, folks…”  “The fact of the matter is…”  “Uh, uh, uh…”

Aaron Feis and Tamar Lapin writing for the New York Post noted, “If Biden, Warren, Sanders, Buttigieg and Klobuchar didn’t break away from the pack, they at least played the hits. The same could not be said for the night’s sixth candidate, ­billionaire hedge-funder Tom Steyer, whose political inexperience continued to leave him doe-eyed and tongue-tied.”

The ho-hum debate, and believe me it was mind-numbingly tedious, ended with speculation over the animated exchange between Warren and Sanders when Looney Lizzie approached Comrade Bernie who stuck out his hand to shake hers only to have her snub him.

As she was speaking to Bernie, he nodded, then put up his hands as if to stop her.  Idiot Steyer walked up to them with Sanders saying something that caused the two of them to turn their backs and walk away.

Steyer, when asked about the confrontation afterwards said, “Look, I don’t know what they were saying.  Whatever was going on, I was trying to get out of the way as fast as possible.”

The post-debate chuckleheads at CNN were all-a-twitter over the mystery.  Maybe next time, the most trusted name in news could hire a lip reader while they struggle mightily to qualify as a credible news source.

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