Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Take Him To The Pit Of Misery

Breitbart News announced today Steve Bannon had “stepped down” as Executive Chairman, the job he’d held since 2012. The New York Times reported Bannon’s departure wasn’t exactly voluntary; instead, he was rushed out the door by one of the site’s major funders, Rebekah Mercer, who had publicly washed her hands of Bannon last week.
The explosive disintegration of his relationship with President Trump came on the heels of the release of excerpts of Michael Wolff’s new book “Fire and Fury”.  The book went to press earlier than planned after the President’s attorneys sent a cease and desist letter to the publisher.  The result has been a source of anguish for “Sloppy Steve” ever since.
Adding insult to injury, Sirius XM issued a statement saying the pariah would no longer host Breitbart’s radio show on the satellite radio network.  Ouch.
Jonah Goldberg, a Never Trumper with whom I rarely agree, penned a piece at National Review that hit the nail on the head:
“No personality in modern political history has so completely squandered an opportunity to be an influential force in American life, particularly in so short a period of time. Bannon may still think that the route to political success lies in heightening social tensions, polarizing American life, and declaring war on political institutions and politicians for sport, but it won’t matter. He is without troops, funders, or a platform now. And while I can almost feel sympathy for a man so thoroughly defenestrated by former friends and allies, that sympathy is tempered by the fact that he brought it all entirely on himself. I hope he finds peace in his well-deserved exile.”

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