Monday, January 2, 2017

The 2016 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners

Doug Ross announced the 2016 Fabulous 50 Blog Award winners on New Year’s Day.

These awards recognize a variety of blogs and websites operating in the conservative blogosphere, all of which have worked tirelessly to promote conservatism, free market capitalism, fiscal sanity, the sovereignty of the individual, and otherwise protect America from the “cockroach-like Statistssome in very unique ways.”

I am as proud as a peacock to say I am friends with two of this year’s winners.

The Pirate’s Cove was awarded the Best Climate Blog, but the “Admiral” is a well-rounded citizen journalist who unwaveringly links to this blog in his weekly feature “Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup”.  He was infinitely helpful in getting our “Flowing Curves of Beauty” feature off the ground.  I am deeply grateful to William Teach for his support over the years.

The Best Illustrated Satire blog award was bestowed on my dear friend and SEC sister Diogenes who is the proprietor of Diogenes’ Middle Finger.  She describes herself as someone who “casually shrugs off a promising career as a technical innovator and major driving force in the recording industry to write about politics.”

As a bit of a Photoshop™ enthusiast myself, I appreciate the snarkiness Diogenes will add to a graphic and then hang it proudly on the walls of her blog.  Some of them are pure comedy gold.

Congratulations to all the winners but a big ol’ hug goes to these two wonderful bloggers for being recognized for their labor of love day in and day out.  Thanks for standing guard over liberty.

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