Thursday, December 13, 2012

Caption Contest

I’ve got three, maybe six readers of this blog.  I believe you guys are super-smart and have a great sense of humor to go along with your brilliance.

It’s Christmastime, and in the spirit of the season, I’ve decided to have a Caption Contest.  Take a look at these two Bad Santas.  Come up with a great caption for this Photoshop™ and I will give the winner a $20 Amazon Gift Card.

Don’t forget to leave your email address in the Comment Section along with your snarky caption so that I’ll know where to send your gift card.

How’s that for some Yuletide spirit?  Good luck.

The deadline for this contest is December 17th.

(And don’t forget to click on this link to vote for my entries in iOwnTheWorld’s 2012 PUK Award.)

UPDATE:  12-17-12 10:49PM--Stogie won by default.  His $20.00 Amazon Gift Card has already been sent to his email inbox.


  1. "Perfect! Every president should have a body double, Alfred. You're the one for me!"

  2. "I have to lay off more elves. Can't afford the damn Obamacare."


Please scribble on my walls otherwise how will I know what you think, but please don’t try spamming me or you’ll earn a quick trip to the spam filter where you will remain—cold, frightened and all alone.